How often should you practice? Answer:
Every day. Yes, every day.
Does that mean you need you need to go through the basics and hyung every day? Will you lose your physical skills if you do not practice every day. No, not necessarily.
There are lots of studies out there on how long you can take a break before significantly losing or see a reduction in physical attributes. Most studies are consistent in that you will lose significant physical attributes like strength and endurance if you take weeks or months off.
You may think I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, because I said you should practice every day. Something keep in mind is that while you may not lose significant strength or endurance in weeks, there are many other attributes like balance, coordination, timing, reactions speed, etc. to consider. Also, if you need to use your martial physical skills, most likely you will need to be ready in an instant. This is not something that you will be able to do if you do not practice consistency. So, unless injured or ill, I would suggest you include the physical practice every other day at a minimum.
Also, remember martial arts is a way of life and it is not just about the physical. The mental and spiritual side of the martial arts should definitely be part of your day-to-day life.
Gichin Funakoshi said it very well in his eleventh precept “Karate is like boiling water: without heat, it returns to its tepid state.” from his book, The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate. Master Funakoshi states: “Only in continual training will you be able to obtain, in mind and body, the fruits of the Way.”
And, if you also think about it, it actually takes less energy to keep water boiling once already boiling or already hot compared to starting from warm or cold water. So, a little every day is easier to maintain then starting and stopping after days or weeks.
As we enter 2024, I encourage you to find a way to include some aspect of your training (physical, mental, spiritual) daily.