Saturday, February 2, 2019

Ground Fighting ---- Chief Instructor Blog February 2019

I have recently been asked why we do not practice more ground fighting in the Club.
My rationale is not meant to say that Han Moo Kwan is a better martial art than those that focus or practice mostly on the ground, but meant to explain, based on the Han Moo Kwan objectives as a martial art, why we avoid ground fighting, if we can.
Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do is meant to be used strictly for self-defense purposes, and only if options do not exist to avoid the confrontation and conflict.  So, bottom line is if you can walk away (or run) and remain safe at the start or anytime during a confrontation, that should be your choice or at least considered.  It will be much harder or not even be an option to walk away if you are on the ground.
And when we talked about self-defense, it can be any scenario – single attackers, multiple attackers, middle of the street on a hot summer day, while with people you love, etc.  And in self-defense, no technique is considered illegal and there are no rules. I contend that unless you are a master ground fighter, your probability of staying safe and not harmed against multiple attackers is very low if you are on the ground and still probably only if none of the attackers are skilled.  All it takes is one person to get behind you and kick you in the head and you will almost be instantly unable to defend yourself.  You are much better off on your feet against multiple attackers.  In addition, if you are with other people and also need/want to defend them against attackers, you will be unable to do that if you are on the ground. 
We also intentionally practice a more Aikido style of falls and rolls that allows us to get back on our feet more quickly and effectively.
We do practice ground fighting from time to time so you can have the confidence that the majority of the techniques we practice on our feet can be just as effective on the ground if for some reason you end up on the ground. 
And, we do practice some basic grappling techniques like take downs, some throws, and leg sweeps for example, but with the focus of performing the techniques and staying on our feet.  In self-defense, it can definitely be advantageous to getting your attacker on the ground while ensuring you stay on your feet (for one, gives you the opportunity to walk or run away).
So, bottom line, for self-defense purposes and assuming it can be any scenario, we believe that defending ourselves from our feet is better.


“Nothing is more harmful to the world than a martial art that is not effective in actual self-defense.” ~ Choki Motobu (1871–1944), Founder of Okinawan Tomari-te Karate