Correct body mechanics and alignment is a key attribute in the martial arts. The alignment of the bones and muscles will ensure you can project force and not collapse your stance or technique or that you’ll “bounce” off from the technique. The alignment also ensures if you are kicked or blocking a strike, that force imparted to you does not make you collapse. The correct alignment ensures your bones support your muscles and you do not hurt yourself when throwing techniques. Since alignment is so important, we do spend quite a bit of time in class to ensure your position and stances are correct. And keep in mind it is not just alignment as you move from one technique to another. Alignment and proper posture must be correct all the time.
So what does alignment have to do with breathing?
When you are properly aligned, you breathe more freely. Try doubling over and breathing – does not work so well.
So if aligned properly, your breathing will be smoother, deeper, and more natural. This type of breathing allows one to connect the mind and body. By focusing on smooth, deep breathing the mind can focus and turn inward to the body and not be distracted my outside influences.
Breath is connected to energy flow. If you are not breathing, your internal energy is not flowing. If breathing is choppy, so will your energy. Smooth, natural breath moves energy through the body.
So, if the body is aligned, the breath moves freely. If the breath moves freely, you are flowing energy. By flowing energy, you keep the mind calm and focused on the task. Flowing energy makes your techniques stronger and more effective.
It is that simple. Proper posture allows you to breathe freely. Freely breathing allows you to flow energy. Flowing energy makes your techniques stronger and you stay calm and focused.
This may not sound easy and I am not saying it is. It does take discipline to work on the alignment (especially during transitions) and getting it right and teaching your body to move a particular way to stay aligned. It takes some work to ensure breathing is deep and smooth. It takes some work, but the payoff is immense.
I challenge all of you to check in with your coach or me and really be particular with your posture and breathing. You will be amazed that by working on these two things how much better your overall skill will be.
"Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers."
~ Chuang Tzu, Chinese philosopher (369 CE – 286 BCE)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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