Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Safety in the Dojang - - Chief Instructor's Blog July 2009

Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do is potentially dangerous and requires a substantial commitment to safety and control during practice. The Club takes safety very seriously and we consider safety everyone’s responsibility. Refer to the Han Moo Kwan Club website for the Club Policy and Best Practices on Safety ( and, respectively) for the details that have allowed our club to have a very good safety record for the 35 years we have been in existence. It is expected all Club members are familiar with the policy and the best practice related to safety.

One of the keys to keeping a safe environment is students (and all of us are students) must listen and follow the directions explicitly set by the primary instructor of the night. This includes adhering to the intensity and power level dictated. If unclear of the direction, students should ask clarifying questions. If students are unable to perform the drills/exercises as directed (based on physical limitations, etc), they should step aside (or they may be asked to step aside).

Part of defending oneself is learning to set boundaries (regardless of the situation). Students have the right to step aside from any activity they feel is unsafe for their body or if their partner is not adhering to the directions or if partner is not listening to their feedback (such as intensity level, etc). This is applicable regardless of rank of any student. Setting boundaries and not taking abuse from anyone (boss, instructors, upper ranks, friends, family, etc) is part of the training.


"If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat." ~ Sun Tzu (6th Century BC), Chinese General, military strategist, and author of The Art of War