Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Martial Arts Journey

Learning a martial art is a journey. For each person, that journey is slightly different and the time spent in each stage of the journey will vary. The key is the journey.

Test Night is a great opportunity to demonstrate formally to the instructors and coaches the work you have put in and where you stand on your journey.

Test Night is an opportunity for students to receive formal feedback on where they are in their journey and some advice on areas to focus to continue along their path. Some keys to remember as test night nears are:

Know what you need to know and practice techniques/ forms required at your level
Work past any mistakes you make. Use them to demonstrate your ability to hold your energy and remain focused.
Try your best and if you are doing a technique or form that you are not as comfortable with, think of it as an opportunity to practice it
Warm up
Prepare mentally and emotionally
Power up
Visualize yourself performing the techniques perfectly
Move effectively
See yourself in control
Believe the test will be easy
Be confident, act confident
Visualize yourself wearing the next belt rank or meeting the goal you set out for yourself



“Karate cannot be quickly learned. Like a slow moving bull, it eventually travels a thousand miles. If one trains diligently everyday, then in three or four years one will come to understand karate. Those who train in this fashion will discover karate.”, Anko Itosu, From Ten Precepts of Karate