Saturday, February 1, 2025

Controlling The Fight - - Chief Instructor's Blog February2025

Controlling a fight is a critical aspect of self-defense.  If you have to defend yourself with physical techniques, controlling the fight is key to the outcome.  Many things we physically practice in class will help such as timing, speed, reaction time, but there are aspects beyond the physical that are needed to control a fight or altercation.

1.  Mindset

Having the right mindset is critical during an altercation.  In self-defense it is not about winning or losing but staying focused and confident with only one goal – walk away with no to minimal injury to self or family/ friends if you are with them.  For more information on mindset and training the mind, I refer you to older blogs: May 2011, Your State of Mind Matters Most (and Matters Most); September 2017, Training The Mind by Staying Focused; October 2017, Training The Mind Through Attitude/Intent; and July 2024, Benefits of Positive Mindset.

2. Controlling Your Emotions

In my most previous blog, I discussed managing fear is an important aspect of training.  Fear is just one emotion that one needs to manage/control during an altercation.  Anger is another emotion that can cause you to lose control of a fight versus control a fight.  As stated by Chojun Miyagi, founder of a Gōjū-ryū Okinawan Karate, “If your temper rises, withdraw your hand. If your hand rises, withdraw your temper.”  Both anger and fear elevate your heart rate and your blood pressure which could also result in short, shallow breathing. As stated in class as well as in the blogs, managing your emotions and your breathing will result in more clarity of mind and calmness which will help you control a fight.

 3. Be Strategic

Controlling the fight is also being more strategic.  I see in sparring many times, it looks like two people just crashing into each other and trying to get to a target first.  This may work in a sport like boxing or sport-style Tae Kwon Do, but this is not the right approach for self-defense.  Controlling the fight means not just throwing punches and kicks and hoping one lands but seeing openings and taking advantages of mistakes or vulnerabilities of your opponent.  Controlling the fight means not following the pace and cadence and reacting to your opponent but being the one who controls the cadence.  Controlling the fight means adapting when some technique is not working and finding another way.  It is about knowing what, when and how to attack effectively.

Becoming more strategic takes time.  If you are not already, I encourage you to be more conscious in what techniques you are using and reflect how effective it was.  This is the start of being more strategic.





“Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken. Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body be influenced by your spirit.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645), legendary Japanese samurai and author of The Book of Five Rings





Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Managing Fear - - Chief Instructor's Blog January 2025

Fear is not a bad thing, but it must be managed.  

In the outside world, if you notice yourself feeling fear, this can be useful.  Your intuition maybe telling you that you are in a bad situation.  If you sense fear, you should listen to your intuition.  However, you must manage that fear in order to perform effective techniques with control.

Even in class, you may have experienced fear.  Maybe you have been fearful of getting hurt in self-defense or sparring.  Maybe you have been fearful of failing or not being able to learn a new technique or form.  Maybe you have been fearful what the instructor or other students are thinking of how you are performing. 

There are several techniques you can use to manage fear.

First off, you have to be exposed to situations that invoke fear and challenge your comfort zone.  If you just shy away from every situation when you feel fear, you will not be able to manage it when you need to.  So, for example, spar against those you think are more skilled, learn new techniques you are uncomfortable with, and demonstrate new techniques in front of the other students.

Also, acknowledge what you are feeling.  It is okay to feel fear and know that it can be normal when you are in an uncomfortable situation or learning new techniques.  And even talk to your instructor about it, if you feel comfortable doing so to get the support you need to cope with it at that time.

Make sure you are breathing those deep, slow, belly breaths.  As stated in class and written in other blogs, deep belly breaths help you slow down your heart rate, It also provides more oxygen to your body resulting in clearer thoughts and actions, muscles having the oxygen they need to perform, more endurance to last during the altercation, and the energy flow that accompanies breathing to make your techniques more effective.  For more information on deep breathing, please read the December 2016 blog, “Deep Breathing…Could Be A Life Saver.”

Use visualization especially before starting a sparring match or self-defense imagining yourself performing the techniques effectively.

Stay present and take it one class, one drill, one technique at a time.  Part of the learning process is trying new things, where sometimes things work well, and sometimes they do not. 

By facing your fears and managing the emotion, you can take action in a controlled, effective manner.  In a real altercation, this can be the difference of walking away with minimal to no injury or not. 



"To understand your fear is the beginning of really seeing." ~ Bruce Lee, (1940 –1973) American-born Chinese Hong Kong martial artist, actor, and founder of Jeet Kune Do


1., retrieved 12/27/2024

2. Fear and Anxiety in Martial Arts – Why It’s Normal and How to Conquer It | Utopia, retrieved 12/27/2024

3. Fearless Warriors: Exploring the Psychology of Fear in Martial Arts, retrieved 12/27/2024